Monday, August 28, 2023

Maintain Your Perfect Smile

Congratulations, you've completed your orthodontic treatment and achieved that beautiful, straight smile you've been working towards! However, the journey to maintaining your new smile isn't quite over. Wearing your retainer after orthodontic treatment is a crucial step that ensures the longevity and stability of your results.

After your braces or aligners have done the hard work of shifting your teeth into their proper positions, it's time for the finishing touch...retainers. Retainers prevent the teeth from gradually shifting back to their original positions, which is a natural tendency even after orthodontic treatment.

Why Wearing a Retainer Matters

  • Prevents Relapse: The tissues and ligaments around your teeth take time to adjust to their new positions after orthodontic treatment. Wearing a retainer helps stabilize these tissues and keeps your teeth from reverting to their old positions.
  • Maintains Bite Alignment: Retainers not only keep your teeth straight but also help maintain proper bite alignment. This ensures that your teeth fit together harmoniously, preventing issues like teeth grinding or discomfort.
  • Prevents Crowding: Without a retainer, your teeth might gradually shift back, causing crowding or overlapping. Wearing your retainer prevents these undesirable changes and the need for further orthodontic treatment.
  • Preserves Investment: You invested time, effort, and resources into achieving your perfect smile. Wearing your retainer protects this investment, saving you from the need for additional treatment down the line.
  • Long-Term Confidence: A well-aligned smile boosts your self-esteem. Wearing a retainer ensures that your confidence remains high as you proudly show off your beautifully aligned teeth.

Tips for Successful Retainer Wear

  1. Follow Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger's Instructions: Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger will provide specific instructions on when and how to wear your retainer. It's crucial to follow these guidelines diligently.
  2. Consistency is Key: To maintain your results, wear your retainer consistently. Skipping even a few days can lead to shifting.
  3. Clean Your Retainer: Keep your retainer clean by brushing it gently with a toothbrush. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp the retainer.
  4. Store Properly: When you're not wearing your retainer, store it in its case to prevent loss or damage.
  5. Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with McClellan Orthodontics will help monitor your progress and ensure that your retainer is fitting correctly.

Wearing a retainer after orthodontic treatment is a commitment that ensures the longevity of your beautiful smile. It's a small effort that yields significant rewards, from preventing relapse to maintaining your bite alignment. Remember, the investment you made in achieving your straight teeth deserves to be protected. By embracing the importance of wearing your retainer, you're taking proactive steps towards maintaining your newfound confidence and the smile you've always dreamed of.


Monday, August 7, 2023

The Power of Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment isn't just about straightening's about creating healthy, functional, and aesthetically pleasing smiles that stand the test of time. Two-phase orthodontic treatment is an advanced approach that addresses orthodontic issues in two distinct stages, offering a comprehensive solution for children with complex dental concerns.

Two-phase orthodontic treatment is designed for children whose oral development presents unique challenges that can't be effectively addressed with a single phase of orthodontic care. This approach recognizes that certain issues are best corrected during specific stages of dental growth. By strategically timing treatment, Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger can guide the growth and alignment of the jaw and teeth, achieving optimal results.

The first phase of two-phase treatment, often referred to as early intervention or interceptive orthodontics, typically begins between the ages of 6 and 10. During this phase, orthodontists focus on addressing skeletal discrepancies, bite issues, and oral habits that, if left unaddressed, could lead to more severe problems later in life.

Common goals of Phase 1 treatment include:

Guiding Jaw Growth: Early intervention allows Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger to influence jaw growth while the child's facial bones are still developing. This can help prevent more complex issues from arising in the future.

Creating Space: In cases of severe crowding, Phase 1 treatment can create space for permanent teeth to erupt properly, reducing the likelihood of extractions later.

Correcting Habits: Thumb-sucking, tongue thrusting, and other oral habits can impact dental development. Phase 1 treatment helps correct these habits to promote healthy growth.

After the initial phase, there's typically a resting period during which the child's remaining permanent teeth erupt naturally. Once most of the permanent teeth are in place, Phase 2 begins. This phase involves traditional braces or aligners to fine-tune tooth positions and create a harmonious bite.

Benefits of Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment

  • Maximized Effectiveness: Addressing problems early can prevent them from becoming more complicated and challenging to treat later. This proactive approach minimizes the need for more invasive procedures.
  • Healthier Development: Two-phase treatment promotes proper oral and facial development, ensuring a balanced bite, comfortable function, and a beautiful smile.
  • Shorter Overall Treatment Time: By taking advantage of a child's growth, two-phase treatment can lead to shorter overall treatment durations compared to a single-phase approach.
  • Reduced Need for Extractions: Phase 1 treatment can create the necessary space, often eliminating the need for permanent tooth extractions.
  • Enhanced Self-Esteem: Addressing orthodontic issues early can boost a child's self-esteem by preventing or minimizing potential aesthetic concerns.

Two-phase orthodontic treatment isn't suitable for every child. To determine whether your child could benefit from this approach, it's essential to schedule a consultation with McClellan Orthodontics. They will assess your child's dental development, discuss any concerns, and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan based on their individual needs.

Two-phase orthodontic treatment is a comprehensive strategy that focuses on more than just straightening teeth; it addresses the root causes of orthodontic issues to create a lasting, healthy smile. By intervening early and guiding dental development, Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger can set the stage for a lifetime of confident smiles and optimal oral health. If you're considering orthodontic treatment for your child, explore the benefits of two-phase treatment and consult with Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger to make an informed decision that supports your child's dental well-being.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Unlocking the Benefits of Adult Orthodontics

For many, the idea of braces conjures images of adolescents with metallic smiles. However, the world of orthodontics has evolved significantly, and now more adults are turning to braces and other orthodontic treatments to achieve the smile of their dreams. Adult orthodontics offer numerous benefits beyond aesthetics, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking not only a beautiful smile but also improved oral health.

The most apparent benefit of adult orthodontics is the transformative effect it can have on one's appearance. Many adults have lived with misaligned teeth or other dental issues for years, and orthodontic treatment offers a chance to correct these concerns and attain a beautiful, straight smile. Whether through traditional braces or clear aligners like Invisalign, orthodontics can discreetly and effectively enhance the aesthetics of your smile.

A beautiful smile can do wonders for one's self-esteem and self-confidence. Many adults may have felt self-conscious about their teeth for years, avoiding smiling or covering their mouths when laughing. Adult orthodontics can be life-changing, giving individuals the confidence to smile freely and feel more comfortable in social and professional settings. Improved self-confidence can lead to enhanced mental well-being, positively impacting various aspects of life.

Beyond the cosmetic advantages, orthodontic treatment also significantly impacts your oral health. Misaligned teeth can create numerous dental issues, including difficulty in cleaning and uneven wear on teeth surfaces. Over time, these problems can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and even jaw pain. Orthodontic treatment aligns the teeth properly, making it easier to maintain oral hygiene and reducing the risk of dental problems, leading to better overall oral health.

Orthodontic treatment can also address functional issues. For instance, malocclusions (bad bites) can cause problems with speaking, biting, and chewing. Chewing is the first step in the digestion process, and misaligned teeth can hinder this crucial function. Adults with crooked teeth may not be able to chew their food thoroughly, leading to poor digestion and potential gastrointestinal issues. Orthodontic treatment can correct bite problems, facilitating proper chewing and allowing individuals to enjoy a more varied and nutritious diet, contributing to better overall health.

One of the great advantages of modern orthodontics is that age is no longer a barrier to treatment. Whether you're in your 20s, 40s, or beyond, you can benefit from orthodontic correction. With various discreet options available, such as clear aligners, adults can undergo treatment without drawing attention to their orthodontic journey.

Investing in orthodontic treatment is an investment in your oral health and overall well-being. If you have been living with misaligned teeth or other dental issues, consider scheduling a consultation with McClellan Orthodontics to explore the treatment options available for our adult patients. Embrace the journey to a healthier and more confident smile and discover the life-changing benefits of adult orthodontics. Remember, it's never too late to achieve the smile you've always dreamed of!



Monday, July 10, 2023

The Importance of Changing Your Toothbrush

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential for overall health and well-being, and one of the most basic yet vital aspects of oral care is brushing our teeth regularly. For individuals with braces, this practice becomes even more crucial due to the increased complexity of cleaning around your orthodontic appliances. Among the many dental habits, changing your toothbrush regularly is often overlooked but plays a significant role in ensuring optimal oral health.

Over time, toothbrush bristles become worn out and frayed, making them less effective at removing plaque and food particles. For people with braces, this concern is amplified due to the presence of brackets and wires, which can trap food debris and create hidden breeding grounds for harmful bacteria. A worn-out toothbrush cannot reach these nooks and crannies, leading to a greater risk of plaque buildup and dental issues like cavities and gum disease. By changing your toothbrush regularly, ideally every three to four months or sooner if the bristles show significant signs of wear, you ensure that it remains effective in combating bacterial buildup.

Preventing Damage to Braces: Braces consist of delicate components designed to gradually shift the teeth into their proper positions. Using a toothbrush with frayed bristles can lead to more forceful brushing, increasing the likelihood of damaging the braces. Damaged braces can result in extended treatment time, increased discomfort, and additional expenses. By replacing your toothbrush regularly, you maintain the bristles integrity, which allows for gentle yet effective cleaning around the braces, preventing unnecessary damage.

Maintaining Gum Health: Good oral hygiene practices not only protect your teeth but also play a crucial role in maintaining healthy gums. Neglecting gum health can lead to gum disease, causing symptoms such as redness, swelling, bleeding, and even tooth loss in severe cases. For individuals with braces, maintaining healthy gums is even more critical, as braces can create additional spaces for bacteria to thrive and cause gum problems. Regularly changing your toothbrush ensures that your gums receive the gentle care they need to stay healthy throughout your orthodontic journey.

Improving Orthodontic Treatment: Wearing braces is a long-term commitment that requires dedication to the treatment plan. Keeping your teeth and braces clean is vital for the treatment's success. A fresh toothbrush allows you to clean your teeth and braces effectively, maximizing the efficiency of your orthodontic treatment. By removing plaque and food particles regularly, you create an environment that facilitates the desired tooth movements, potentially shortening the overall treatment time.

Fresh Breath and Confident Smile: Maintaining oral hygiene is not just about preventing dental issues; it also contributes to your confidence and overall well-being. A clean mouth with fresh breath will make you feel more comfortable and confident while interacting with others, especially during the braces-wearing period, which might already make some people self-conscious. Regularly changing your toothbrush and having excellent oral hygiene will help you maintain fresh breath, ensuring you feel more at ease during your orthodontic treatment.

Changing your toothbrush regularly is a small yet significant step towards maintaining excellent oral health. By preventing bacteria buildup, reducing the risk of damage to braces, maintaining gum health, and improving the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment, a fresh toothbrush plays a crucial role in your overall dental care routine. Embrace this simple habit, and you'll not only protect your smile but also boost your confidence throughout your braces-wearing journey and beyond. So, the next time you pick up your toothbrush, remember that a healthy, beautiful smile starts with a fresh bristle!

Still have questions? Contact the team at McClellan Orthodontics...we are here to help.


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Eating With Braces

Teeth move best in a healthy environment and in individuals who maintain excellent overall health. Make sure you choose a well-balanced diet.

Braces are attached to your teeth with a special orthodontic glue or cement that will withstand the normal forces of eating. However, brackets can be dislodged, and wires can be bent or broken after eating certain foods.

Foods and drinks that may cause cavities should be restricted while you’re wearing braces. Sticky foods are to be avoided because of the increased risk of dental decay and appliance breakage. Sticky foods can get wrapped around your brackets and cause them to break or come loose.

Also, minimize sugary foods as they cause tooth decay and related problems. High-sugar and high-acidity drinks, when mixed with saliva, create a sticky film that coats the teeth and is difficult to remove completely, even with brushing. Please make sure that careful brushing and rinsing take place immediately afterward.

Some foods are fine to enjoy, if they are cut into smaller pieces which won’t damage your braces. Between-meal snacks should be confined to foods that lack refined sugar and should be followed by brushing or vigorous rinsing.

Please do not eat hard foods, including nuts, ice, crisp taco shells, whole apples, and carrots (cut them into pieces first), hard French bread crust and rolls, spareribs, corn on the cob (cut the corn off the cob before eating) and popcorn! These foods can cause breakage of the brackets and wires. Also beware of nail-biting and pen- or pencil-chewing habits since these can damage your braces. Do not eat sticky foods like taffy, caramels, bubble gum or sticky candy of any sort. Use common sense about most foods. Excessive breakage due to careless eating habits may result in additional charges for repair.

Check your braces regularly to make sure that nothing is bent, broken, or loose. In the event of a loose/broken wire or bracket, please call the office immediately to arrange an appointment for repair.

For most situations, common sense will tell you the specific foods to avoid. If you are unsure, please ask one of our friendly and knowledgeable team members to make sure that the food in question is safe to eat.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

What is AcceleDent?

One of the most asked questions when patients get their braces on is… “How long will my treatment last?” While there is no quick fix, there is a way to speed up your orthodontic treatment.

The AcceleDent System is an innovative technology designed to decrease the time you are in braces by increasing the rate of tooth movement. The appliance, used daily for 20 minutes, applies patented technology to gently vibrate the teeth and surrounding bone. The microvibrations increase the rate of bone remodeling and allow the teeth to move 38-50% faster. The rate of tooth movement depends on the speed at which the bone surrounding the teeth changes. Studies have shown that orthodontic forces coupled with micovibrations safely accelerate tooth movement.

The tiny high-tech AcceleDent device works in conjunction with a comprehensive app to monitor your treatment. This offers our patients more control over their orthodontic treatment. The basic features of the downloadable app are:

  • Tracking of usage, including key metrics
  • Easily accessible dashboards
  • Can be used on several devices and from different locations
  • Information is cloud-based
  • Allows reminder notifications for daily usage
  • Includes HIPAA compliant encryption to keep your data secure

AcceleDent works with any type of orthodontic treatment, including Invisalign and braces. If you have more questions about this treatment enhancement tool, please ask during your initial consultation visit.

When undergoing orthodontic treatment, the most important thing you can do is to choose an orthodontist who is highly trained and who has experience in treating orthodontic cases of all types. The skill level of your orthodontist is the number one factor in determining how long your treatment will last. No matter what products and technologies are introduced, if your orthodontist does not have the knowledge and skill required to offer scientifically backed treatment options, your treatment may not be as effective and may last longer than anticipated.

The Team at McClellan Orthodontics has years of experience providing the finest orthodontic treatment available anywhere. Paired with our scientifically backed approach, McClellan Orthodontics patients often see shorter treatment times, without added expenses. Call our Kenilworth orthodontic office to learn more.


Monday, May 22, 2023

The Benefits of Invisalign

If you’re considering orthodontic treatment, you’re probably trying to decide between traditional metal braces and Invisalign. You have most likely heard that Invisalign looks better, but does Invisalign work as well as metal braces?

Not only is Invisalign just as effective as traditional metal braces, but the aligners are nearly invisible and can be worn without detection. This is an especially great option for patients of all ages who want to live life without the brackets and wires associated with traditional braces.

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

  • Virtually Invisible
  • Effective
  • Comfortable
  • Fewer Office Visits
  • Shorter Treatment Times
  • No Food Restrictions
  • Easier Oral Hygiene
  • Covered By Most Insurance Plans

The results speak for themselves. Invisalign leads to beautifully straight teeth and a wonderful smile. If you want a straighter smile but don’t want to spend years wearing traditional metal braces, Invisalign may be the perfect option for you. Invisalign is the only clear option that is free of brackets and wires. Invisalign allows you to work, eat, and participate in social situations worry free! All while giving you a perfect smile.

If you are considering Invisalign treatment, please call our conveniently located office in Kenilworth to schedule your initial Invisalign consultation with Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger and learn how you can benefit from Invisalign!

Only an orthodontist who has been trained and certified by Align Technology can diagnose and treat using Invisalign. At McClellan Orthodontics, we are an Invisalign Provider and have years of experience permanently correcting alignment issues with Invisalign Clear Aligners.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Summertime is the Best Time for Braces

McClellan Orthodontics

Contrary to popular belief there is no wrong time to get your child or teen started with orthodontics, and your decision should depend on many personal factors, including scheduling and finances. However, there is one time of year that is proven to be better than the rest for starting the orthodontic journey…summertime!

Three Reasons Why Summertime is the Best Time for Getting Braces

1. Time to Adjust - Orthodontics has come a long way in recent years, but the process still involves moving teeth and that can be quite uncomfortable, especially at first. It’s no secret that getting braces can be daunting to the self-esteem of a teenager. Giving them a few months to get used to their braces without being surrounded by their peers at school can make a dramatic difference in their confidence overall.

2. Time to Break in the Braces – At McClellan Orthodontics our orthodontic technologies minimize most of the physical discomfort of getting braces, but young gums and growing teeth can still feel a bit tender shortly after the initial placement and there is going to be an adjustment period after getting braces. Summertime gives kids the time necessary to relearn how to do some of those tasks. Plus, being at home will make it easier for teens to deal with initial discomfort, establish hygiene routines, and have easy access to brace-friendly foods.

3. Easier to Focus on Oral Hygiene - Having a clean mouth is important. It gives you fresh breath and a nicer-looking smile. Braces require you to completely change how you brush your teeth as it is much harder to keep your teeth clean with braces. Food becomes caught in the brackets and betweenyour teeth. During the summer, your teen will have more time in the morning and evening to get into the routine of thoroughly brushing their teeth.

Getting braces with McClellan Orthodontics is easy. We offer our patients the option of getting traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, or Invisalign. We pride ourselves in the courteous service we provide to each patient. We strongly endorse interceptive care for our younger patients, but no matter what your age, we are committed to helping you achieve the smile you deserve. If you think your child may need orthodontic care, give our Kenilworth, IL orthodontic office a call. If you have any questions or concerns about our practice or any orthodontic procedures, our friendly team will be happy to assist you any way we can.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Prevent Enamel Erosion While in Braces

Braces are a spectacular tool for straightening smiles and correcting jaw problems that impact self-confidence and overall oral wellness. Your wires and brackets are fundamental to the treatment process, but they also can make it difficult to remove food particles that get stuck under and between your brackets and wires. Unfortunately, if this food is left to fester, the acidic content of the food can eat away at your tooth’s vital tooth enamel.

If you have braces, your teeth and gums can be prone to many dental issues. One of those issues is enamel erosion. Enamel erosion occurs when acid attacks the teeth and wears down the enamel. This can make your teeth vulnerable to tooth fractures and cavities. To help you prevent enamel erosion while in braces treatment, Dr. McClellan encourages you to do the following:

Avoid Acidic Foods and Beverages: Consuming acidic products can expose your teeth to the acid that can harm them. So, it’s best to avoid consuming acidic foods and drinks as much as possible.

Wait to Brush Your Teeth: If you do happen to consume an acidic food or drink, please wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. Your enamel is extremely vulnerable immediately after eating acidic foods and the bristles of your toothbrush can worsen the damage.

Use Fluoride: Fluoride can strengthen your tooth enamel and help you avoid enamel erosion. So, make sure to expose your teeth to fluoride regularly. You can do so by using fluoride toothpaste and fluoride mouthwash, drinking fluoridated water, and receiving a professional fluoride treatment.

There are many oral health problems that can happen with braces if you are not focused on your orthodontic care and brushing/flossing of your teeth. Your diet can damage your teeth during your orthodontic treatment, which is why we want you to avoid certain foods and drinks. Overly acidic or sugary foods and drinks can lead to tooth decay and acid erosion that harms your tooth enamel. If you would like to learn more about how you prevent enamel erosion while wearing braces, the friendly staff at McClellan Orthodontics are available to train you in methods for keeping your teeth clean and strong.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Affordable Orthodontic Treatment

McClellan Orthodontics

For many adults and teens, crooked or imperfect teeth can have a negative impact on their self-confidence. If you are embarrassed by your smile, chances are the people around you are missing out on how approachable and confident you really are. By fixing your smile, you can boost your self-esteem and be more open and engaged with the people around you.

At McClellan Orthodontics, we practice the most innovative orthodontic care with amazing results. We make the process of getting straight teeth as quick, comfortable, and affordable as possible. Our orthodontic services include:

Traditional Braces - Metal braces are the most common option for a variety of reasons, including durability and cost. While they have been around for decades, constant innovation means that metal braces are more advanced than ever before.

Ceramic Braces - Ceramic braces are a popular choice among many patients because they are less visible due to their clear color. If you want spectacular results without the aesthetic concerns caused by metal braces, ceramic braces may be a great option for you.

Invisalign - This popular orthodontic treatment uses a series of clear aligners that change the position of your teeth through steady pressure. The aligners are clear and difficult to detect during wear, perfect for adults and teens who want a subtle treatment solution.

The team at McClellan Orthodontics knows that people have finite budgets and juggling expenses is an unpleasant fact of life. That said, our office is accustomed to working with families and individuals to make orthodontic care affordable and budget friendly.

In an effort to keep orthodontic fees down while maintaining the highest level of professional care, we have established the following financial policies:

  • If full payment is made at the onset of treatment, we will offer a fee discount. (If you have insurance, we will offer a discount for payment of your portion of the fee that will not be covered by insurance.)
  • To fit your individual needs, financial arrangements can be made to extend your payments over a period of months.
  • We offer a unique program where we create a payment slider. YOU pick the down payment and YOU pick how many payments you would like to make, interest-free of course!
  • For your convenience, we accept payment by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
  • If you have insurance, we will help you to determine the coverage you have available and will file your claim for you.

Though orthodontics can come with a higher price tag, you do have many options to help you pay for your or your child’s orthodontic care. Start by having a conversation with Dr. McClellan today!

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign

Advancements in orthodontics have given our patients more options for achieving the smile they have always wanted! At McClellan Orthodontics, we offer the latest in orthodontic treatment, including clear aligners, like Invisalign! Invisalign clear aligners allow Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger to achieve the same results as traditional braces but without any brackets or wires. If you are thinking about improving your smile but can’t picture yourself in braces…Invisalign clear aligners might be the perfect option for you.

What are Invisalign Clear Aligners? Invisalign clear aligners are an orthodontic treatment option that straightens teeth without the use of metal braces. Invisalign uses a series of custom-made clear aligners that cover your teeth and gently push them into the proper position over time. Because they are clear and can be taken on and off, they are less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

What are Invisalign Clear Aligners Made of? Invisalign clear aligners are made from BPA-free plastic, and they are far more comfortable than traditional metal braces.

How Do Invisalign Clear Aligners Work? When you receive your aligners, you will place the clear trays over your teeth. You will wear each set of aligners for two weeks and then switch to the next set of aligners. You will wear your aligners all day, every day, except when you eat, floss, and brush your teeth. Every six weeks or so, you will have an appointment in our Kenilworth office to check your aligners and the progress of your treatment. These checkups also help Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger determine if any adjustments need to be made to the aligners or to your treatment plan.

Are Invisalign Clear Aligners Expensive? As Invisalign aligners have become more popular over the years, they have also become more affordable. Invisalign aligners tend to cost about as much as traditional braces. However, the cost of your orthodontic treatment will vary depending on your individual needs and treatment plan.

How Long Does Invisalign Clear Aligner Treatment Take? Each patient’s orthodontic problem is unique, and each patient responds to treatment differently, so there is no universal answer for how long your Invisalign treatment will take.

What Happens After Invisalign Clear Aligner Treatment Is Completed? After any orthodontic treatment, whether it’s Invisalign clear aligners or traditional braces, we recommend that you wear a retainer. A retainer is designed to keep your teeth in alignment. Without it, your teeth can gradually move back to their former position.

There is a lot to love about Invisalign clear aligners, but Invisalign clear aligners are not always a good fit for every patient. If you would like to learn more about how Invisalign clear aligners can transform your smile, give McClellan Orthodontics a call to schedule a consultation. Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger will assess your smile to determine if Invisalign clear aligners are the right orthodontic option for you.


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Common Orthodontic Questions

If you have been considering orthodontic treatment for you or your child, you may have a few questions. Below are some of the questions the team at McClellan Orthodontics has been asked from patients who are just starting their smile journey.

How old do you have to be to get braces? Braces are typically recommended for children between the ages of 9 and 13. However, you can get braces at any age!

How soon can I bring my child in to see an orthodontist? The American Association of Orthodontists recommends bringing your child to see an orthodontist by the time they turn seven years old. Bringing your child to see Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger this early on can save you money and time later.

How much do braces cost? At our practice, prices vary depending on multiple factors. Expenses can also vary based on treatment options and insurance plans.

How long will I need to wear braces? Each patient’s treatment time is different based on the severity of their case. Factors like age, type of problem, and treatment affect the period of wearing braces. When you schedule your consultation with our practice, we will give you an estimated treatment time before you decide to get started.

Do braces hurt? Getting braces put on does not cause the patient any pain. For the first few days you may feel some tightness occurring as your mouth adjusts to the change. Any over the counter pain medications such as Tylenol will help with the mild discomfort.

What can I eat with braces? We recommend staying away from anything hard or crunchy to help avoid breaking a bracket or wire. Watching your sugar intake is also key while wearing braces to avoid cavities and decalcification.

How do I care for my braces? Foods and drinks that may cause cavities should be restricted while wearing braces. Sticky food is to be avoided because of the increased risk of dental decay and appliance breakage. If food or drinks high in sugar content are to be consumed, we advise having them with regular meals or at one given time of day. Please make sure that careful brushing and rinsing take place immediately afterwards. Between-meal snacks should be confined to foods without refined sugar, and should be followed by brushing or vigorous rinsing.

Do I Still Need To Go To My General Dentist During My Orthodontic Treatment? Yes. In addition to regular brushing and flossing, visiting your general dentist for normal check-ups and cleanings is a key to braces success. During professional cleanings, the hygienist will use special tools to remove hardened plaque (tartar) that you can’t eliminate at home by brushing and flossing.

Still have questions? Contact McClellan Orthodontics today.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

4 Things You Didn't Know About Your Teeth

Learning how to take care of your teeth is as much a part of growing up. However, when it comes to our teeth, many of us still have a thing or two to learn. Here are 4 facts about your teeth that you might not know.

1. Your enamel is the hardest part of your body - The enamel is the outermost layer of your teeth. Like a hard shell, its primary purpose is to protect the rest of the tooth. Even though it is there to protect your teeth, your enamel can still chip or crack, and it isn’t safe from decay. Sugars and acids, like those found in soft drinks, interact with bacteria in your mouth and attack your enamel, which marks the start of tooth decay.

2. Yellow means decay - When you think of reasons your teeth might be looking yellow, your first thought likely goes to stains. And while teeth can get stained by foods, drinks, and other substances, these stains are not the only reason your teeth might change color. Enamel is partly responsible for your teeth’s white appearance, and when it decays, your teeth may start to appear yellow.

3. Your mouth is home to 300 types of bacteria - Plaque contains millions of bacteria, made up of 200 to 300 varied species. White and sticky, Plaque is constantly growing. If you don’t remove it regularly by brushing and flossing, it can cause tooth decay. Without removal, plaque hardens and develops into tartar. So, brush and floss at least twice daily and see your dentist for regular cleanings.

4. Your teeth can be an indicator of your overall health - One in 7 adults aged 35 to 44 has gum disease. For adults older than 65, that number increases to 1 in 4. Tooth decay and other infections in the mouth may be associated with health problems such as strokes and diabetes. People who have higher levels of gum disease also have a higher level of heart disease.

You use your teeth to bite, chew and talk countless times throughout your day. It's easy to take your teeth for granted, but healthy teeth and gums are critical contributors to your overall good health. If you have any questions about proper oral hygiene or your dental health, please give McClellan Orthodontics a call.



Friday, February 3, 2023

The Benefits of Brushing for 2 Minutes

Your mouth is the gateway to your overall health, and an unhealthy mouth can be linked to diabetes and heart disease. Did you know that dental decay is the most common chronic childhood disease? More than 16 million children in the United States suffer from untreated decay.

The 2 Minutes 2 Times a Day campaign was created by the Ad Council for The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives, a coalition of nearly three dozen dental health organizations, including the American Dental Association.

Together with the American Dental Association (ADA), McClellan Orthodontics recommends that kids, as well as adults, brush their teeth in a soft, circular motion for two minutes, twice a day, and floss daily.

Two minutes twice daily is the optimal prevention brushing regimen as it takes two minutes for the tooth enamel to uptake the fluoride in toothpaste. In addition to allowing time for fluoride to work, there is the physical massage of the tooth surfaces that removes the plaque and makes a clean surface for the fluoride to do its job. When the enamel absorbs fluoride, it makes the tooth surface harder and more resistant to the bacteria-produced acids that cause tooth decay.

The benefits of brushing for 2 minutes:

  • Clean teeth 
  • Healthy gums 
  • Nice breath

Beginning with the eruption of the first tooth, parents should begin brushing their child’s teeth with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste. The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives recommends that parents supervise their child’s brushing until age 8. Supervising your child’s brushing gives you an opportunity to teach them how to brush. Please remember that a baby or toddler should never use fluoride toothpaste unsupervised or independently.

It is also important to floss at least once a day, to clean in between the teeth where the toothbrush can’t reach. Parents should start flossing their child’s teeth as soon as they notice that teeth are touching…which could be as early as two years of age. has videos to help your child brush the recommended 2 minutes each time. It can be fun to play the video for your kids to watch while brushing to get them started with this healthy habit.

If you need additional tips and tricks for better brushing habits, feel free to contact our Kenilworth Orthodontic office.


Friday, January 27, 2023

Teenagers and Braces

At McClellan Orthodontics, we understand and respect the feelings teens have about braces. Our team members can relate to the concerns about how braces can affect appearance, interfere with eating our favorite foods, or restrict the playing of sports or other activities.

One of the best ways to help your teen get used to the idea of braces is to clearly explain the benefits of orthodontic treatment. When teeth are straight, they are easier to clean, which means less risk of developing cavities. Straight teeth also mean the jaw is properly aligned, which minimizes the likelihood of grinding or clenching teeth.

Most teenagers don’t realize that they do have options when it comes to braces. Options include:

Traditional Metal Braces - One of the most common types of braces for teens are metal braces. They hold the teeth together using metal brackets and wires. Our modern metal braces are smaller and less obvious as compared to older braces, but they work exactly the same way.

Clear Ceramic Braces - Clear braces are a popular choice for teens who want to make a less noticeable statement with their commitment to a healthier smile. The natural look of these smooth, sculpted and completely clear ceramic braces are strong and will not stain or discolor. Their comfortable, sculptured design and attractive translucent appearance help provide the self-confidence that comes from wearing braces that look as good as they perform.

Invisalign Teen - Invisalign Teen is the clear way to straighten teeth without metal braces. The aligners are removable and virtually invisible, which means you can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing. You simply switch to a new set of aligners every few weeks to shift your teeth into the desired position. You can still eat and drink what you want. Also, you can brush and floss normally to maintain healthy gums and teeth, and there are no wires, metal or brackets to cause mouth abrasions.

Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger use the most advanced technologies available to get your teen smiling faster than ever before! The average treatment time at our office is about 18 months but it varies for each patient.

Braces Are Far Easier to Wear Today Than They Once Were

  • Today’s braces are much less noticeable than treatment used decades ago. 
  • Today’s braces are specially designed to straighten teeth faster. 
  • Today’s braces move teeth more gently, but just as effectively. 
  • Today’s braces can be personalized using different color brackets and bands.

At McClellan Orthodontics, we believe that everyone deserves a straight smile. Give your teen a smile to last a lifetime...a smile they can be proud of! Visit our website to schedule your teen’s orthodontic appointment today.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Give Yourself a BraceLift

McClellan Orthodontics

As we grow older, many of us turn to expensive and invasive cosmetic treatments in an effort to retain a youthful appearance.

Despite all of the gimmicks out there, studies show that your smile can do more to make you look younger than anything else! “Just as white,straight teeth convey youth, a smile with crooked, discolored, worn, or missing teeth is associated with an aged look,” says Edmond Hewlett, DDS, professor of restorative dentistry at UCLA's School of Dentistry.

“Bracelift” treatments can help you look younger and feel more confident about your appearance. Of course, most people want a nice smile with straight, white teeth, but properly aligned teeth can do much more than just improve a smile. By enhancing the alignment and widening the arch of the teeth, orthodontic treatment can create better facial balance and aesthetics, lending the appearance of fuller cheeks and lips, smoother and higher cheek contours, and broader smiles.

We all know that healthy teeth are important to maintaining overall health. But we sometimes overlook the impact our teeth can have on our emotional well-being. Orthodontic treatment can provide a life-long improvement to your overall appearance...improving your self-confidence.

3 Easy Steps to Take Years Off of Your Appearance

Step 1: Oral Hygiene - The way to take years off your appearance is to practice good oral hygiene. Maintaining good oral health throughout your life doesn’t just preserve the appearance of your smile, but it can preserve your overall health too. Brushing twice a day and flossing regularly promotes healthy teeth and gums and keeps your smile looking and feeling clean.

Step 2: Whiten Your Teeth - Teeth naturally darken as we age. One reason is that your teeth absorb color from food and drinks. Even if you take fantastic care of your teeth, they will eventually yellow over time. Micro-fractures, thinning enamel, and built-up stains all make your teeth look duller and older. Ask our team about how you can whiten your teeth with custom whitening trays. Custom whitening trays are the best way to achieve a deep and thorough color change that can take years off your appearance.

Step 3: Straighten Your Teeth - Even if you start out with perfectly straight teeth, something called mesial drift will cause them to shift over time. Crowded teeth are an instant giveaway of age and straightening your teeth can often take 10 to 15 years off your appearance. Crowded teeth also increase the risk of tooth decay, premature tooth loss, and gum recession, all of which guarantee looking old.

Beautifully straight, symmetrical glowing white teeth cannot only make you look younger, but they can dramatically improve your confidence.

If you have any questions about how we can help give you a healthier, younger looking smile, give our Kenilworth orthodontic office call to schedule an appointment with Dr. McClellan and Dr. Hedger today.

And remember…One of the best ways to appear more youthful is to smile more!