Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Correct Your Bad Bite

McClellan Orthodontics

A bad bite is when the upper teeth do not properly meet the lower teeth when you bite down. There are many issues that a bad bite can cause…for example, a bad bite can cause pain while chewing and even damage your teeth over time. Poorly aligned teeth can cause jaw pain. The jaw may also click or pop. Sometimes, a bad bite can cause speech problems because the jaw and teeth cannot properly form words.

3 Common Bite Problems Treated by Dr. McClellan

1. Crossbite - A crossbite occurs when the upper teeth fit inside of lower teeth. This orthodontic problem can be caused by misalignment of teeth or a misalignment of the bone and can affect a single tooth or groups of teeth. Your jaw may shift to one side if not corrected and wear down on your tooth enamel.

2. Underbite - An underbite happens when the lower jaw sits in front of the upper jaw. The lower jaw may appear to be excessively large, but in many cases the lack of upper jaw development is at fault. An underbite impacts tooth wear and adds a stress on your jaw joints. Through orthodontic treatment, an underbite can be corrected and help keep you healthy, beyond an aesthetically pleasing smile.

3. Overbite – An overbite occurs when your top front teeth extend beyond your bottom front teeth. The most common cause of an overbite is the shape and/or size of the jaw or the teeth. This could mean having too much room in the jaw area or too little room to accommodate one’s teeth. If not treated, the overbite will allow the teeth to crowd each other and grow in crooked if there is too little room, or the teeth will be spaced too far apart if the jaw area is too large. A more severe overbite may lead to tooth decay, gum disease, or jaw pain.

Untreated problems will only get worse with time. If you suffer from a bad bite, consider visiting McClellan Orthodontics in Kenilworth, IL. Make an appointment today.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Achieve a Healthy Smile in 6 Easy Steps

McClellan Orthodontics

For many people, an ideal smile is a mouth full of bright white, perfectly aligned teeth. But in addition to straight white teeth, you need to make sure that your smile is a healthy one.

Follow the steps below to make sure your smile is the picture of health.

1. Brush your Teeth Twice a Day

Brushing removes leftover food particles that can bond with saliva to form plaque. These particles feed the bacteria that naturally live in our mouths and these bacteria can eat through our tooth enamel and cause tooth decay.

2. Floss Once a Day

Flossing removes plaque between teeth and out from under the gumlines, where a toothbrush can’t reach. If left alone, plaque and tartar build up under the surface of the gumlines can cause periodontal disease, which leads to bone destruction and tooth loss.

3. Limit Sugary Drinks

The bacteria in our mouths thrive on sugar which makes sugary drinks a major contributor to tooth decay. Reducing the amount of sugar in your diet combined with regular brushing and flossing can help keep the bacteria under control.

4. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Good nutrition provided by healthy foods help your bones and teeth grow and stay healthy. Also...a lot of fruits and vegetables are crunchy and chewy, which promotes the production of saliva. Foods that require a lot of chewing are good for the teeth because more saliva means the mouth is naturally washed out more often.

5. Stay Hydrated

Water is the healthiest drink for your smile and your body. Drinking water helps rinse teeth clean and discourages tooth decay. Not only that…but keeping your body hydrated helps your mouth produce enough saliva to keep your mouth and teeth clean.

6. See your Dentist Twice a Year

Regular dental visits are necessary to preserving your oral health. Having routine cleanings every six months helps to promote good oral health and a beautiful smile. Regular dental checkups are the key to maintaining a healthy smile.

It can take some time before you start to notice changes from improved oral hygiene. While these changes won’t come overnight, they are certainly worth the time and effort, both for the sake of your smile and your overall health. If you have any questions regarding the health of your teeth and mouth, don’t hesitate to call our office