Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

If you want a straighter smile but hate the thought of wearing traditional metal braces, Invisalign may be the perfect option for you. Invisalign is the only clear option that is free of brackets and wires. Invisalign allows you to work, eat, and participate in social situations worry free! All while giving you a perfect smile.

Invisalign has many benefits for the wearer, such as comfort and flexibility. At McClellan Orthodontics we are a top provider of Invisalign and have years of experience permanently correcting alignment issues in a shorter time than traditional braces.

Invisalign is clear. Not only is Invisalign effective, but the aligners are nearly invisible and can be worn without detection. This is an especially great option for patients of all ages who want to live life without the brackets and wires associated with traditional braces.

The aligner trays are comfortable. Invisalign is custom made to fit your teeth and mouth. The aligner trays are made of smooth plastic making Invisalign much more comfortable than traditional metal braces.

You can remove them. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners can be removed instantly and easily. You can take them out when you are ready to brush and floss your teeth. The trays themselves can also be cleaned! To make sure there is no build up on your aligners just remove the trays and rinse or lightly brush them with your toothbrush.

You can eat anything. Because you can remove the Invisalign aligners at your leisure, you don’t have to avoid any foods like patients with traditional braces do. Invisalign makes it easy to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, and you never have to worry about your meals ruining your orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign saves time. With Invisalign you will be able to spend less time in our office as they only need to be maintained every 6 weeks on average. Other teeth straightening options can take much more time and many more appointments.

The results speak for themselves. Invisalign leads to beautifully straight teeth and a wonderful smile. Possibly the best reason to use Invisalign!

Now that you know some of the benefits of Invisalign give our Kenilworth, IL office a call to schedule your initial Invisalign consultationtoday and begin your journey to a perfect smile!

For more information regarding Invisalign, visit our website.


Monday, June 6, 2022

5 Helpful Tips for New Orthodontic Patients

The braces are on, and you are now on your journey to a straighter smile! As a new patient at McClellan Orthodontics, we know that you may not be excited about wearing your braces, but we also know that when all is said and done, you will be thrilled with the results of your new smile.

Adjusting to something new can be a little confusing and overwhelming. Fortunately, braces are pretty low maintenance, but there are a few things you can do to make your orthodontic experience more effective and comfortable.

1. Know What to Expect - When you first get braces, it’s perfectly normal for your teeth and mouth to be sore and/or tender. Your lips, cheeks, and gums may also be irritated for up to two weeks while they get used to the braces. Try a saltwater rinse or over-the-counter pain reliever to help reduce the amount of pain or discomfort you feel.

2. Give Yourself Some Time - Your braces may not be what you expected or wanted, but after some time, your teeth will start shifting and you will notice how incredible your teeth and smile alignment look. Pain may occur after your appointments, just give it a few days after each adjustment and you should feel more comfortable.

3. Avoid Bad Habits - When you have braces, you’ll have to choose between breaking your bad habits or breaking your braces. Biting your fingernails, chewing on pen caps or ice cubes, or not following proper oral hygiene instructions all pose threats to your brackets and wires. Continuing these habits can lead to costly orthodontic emergency appointments and may delay your overall treatment time.

4. Brush and Floss Often - Orthodontic patients should brush after every meal to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Be sure to brush for at least two minutes and to reach the front, back, and top of each tooth. We also recommend that you floss every evening before bed so that food particles and germs don’t attack your teeth and gums. We want your teeth to be just as healthy after braces as they were before!

5. Be Confident - Don't worry about how your braces look and don't be afraid or embarrassed to smile with your braces. Depending on the type of braces you are treated with, people may not even know you are wearing braces. Be proud and flash those pearly whites often!

Lastly, be sure you know what to do if you are experiencing pain or problems with your braces. Before you leave checkups, feel for any poking wires so you can have us correct the agitation and avoid pain. If a problem arises after your appointment, do not be afraid to call us; chances are it's a simple fix. For more information about adjusting to your braces, visit our website or give McClellan Orthodontics a call.