Unfortunately, braces do not guarantee that your orthodontic treatment results will be permanent. In fact, teeth have a natural tendency to move back into their original place after the forces holding them have been removed. Without a retainer, it is likely that your teeth will go back to their prior misalignment shortly after having your braces removed. A retainer helps to keep your teeth aligned until they have set firmly into place.
The amount of time that you must spend wearing your retainer will depend on how long it has been since you had your braces removed. In most situations, you will be required to wear your retainer as often as possible for the first 3 to 6 months after your braces have been removed. After that, it is recommended that you wear your retainer nightly for the next 1 to 3 years.
It is important to keep your retainer clean and in good condition. Remember to rinse your removable retainer in cool water before and after use. Store your removable retainer in a plastic case whenever it is not in your mouth. If you have a fixed retainer, you will need to follow the same processes to clean it as you did with braces.
At McClellan Orthodontics, we are enthusiastic about your smile. To learn more about how to keep your smile straight and beautiful, visit our website or give one of our friendly team members a call.