Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID-19 Update:

Due to the guidelines from the American Dental Association our office will now be closed through April 3rd.

We will keep everyone informed by email as to the status of the office. This is an unprecedented time in history and we are trying to keep everyone healthy from our patients to our team members.

Call the office if you have an orthodontic emergency and we will get back to you with what we can do for you.

Stay home, stay healthy. We will be reaching out to reschedule all of you who have appointments within this time period. Thank you for your understanding in this difficult time. We will get through this!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What Does Two Phase Treatment Fix?

Two-phase orthodontic treatment can be used to: Help the jaws develop to ensure adequate space for all of the permanent teeth, especially the permanent canines.

  • May reduce the need to pull permanent teeth in the future.
  • Some problems that can be treated quite well in a growing child but may require corrective surgery if treatment occurs after growth ends.
  • Normalize the relationship of the upper jaw to the lower jaw, especially in the case of an underbite.
  • Intervene in a child’s prolonged sucking or abnormal swallowing.
  • Damaging pressure can move teeth in the wrong directions and/or change the shape of the bone that supports teeth.
  • Tuck in upper front teeth that stick out to reduce the risk of those teeth being broken or knocked out.