Monday, December 9, 2019

Have Braces? Avoid Candy Canes

The holidays are just around the corner and Christmas is less than a month away! Certain holiday treats can damage braces and cause wires to come loose. It's best to stay away from, candy canes. Whether you love them or don’t, candy canes are everywhere during the holidays. However you feel about candy canes, if you have braces, you may want to avoid candy canes this holiday season. 

Candy canes are one of the worst foods for teeth. Candy canes, are 100% sugar. Sugar can lead to cavities, tooth decay and loss. Candy canes are also one of the hardest treats to eat. One of the types of foods you should stay away from if you have braces (during orthodontic treatment) are hard foods and candies and candy canes fit the criteria perfectly. 

Candy canes also take a while to eat, which give the sugar a reason to linger around longer and form into bacteria, leading to cavities.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Avoid these Holiday Treats

The holidays are here and whether you are cozying up with hot chocolate or baking cookies, you may be wondering if there are any types of treats you should steer clear from, especially if you have braces. The answer is yes! Here are a few holiday treats that are not braces-friendly.
  • Candy Canes
  • Fudge
  • Popcorn 
  • Peanut Brittle 
  • Anything with nuts or crunchy crusts
  • Caramel - avoid this sticky treat that can easily get caught up in your braces.